Pros and Cons of Having an E-commerce Store

An e-commerce store with a decent design and UX can be highly lucrative for your business, however, it comes with its own sets of challenges and drawbacks. Thus, if you are planning to launch an e-commerce store but are not sure whether it is the right medium to sell your products or not, then find below some advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce to make a calculated decision. If you are looking for an e-commerce website designing company in Delhi, you may check the portfolio of Interactive Bees and hire them for their expert services. 


  • E-commerce platforms let you reach a wider audience since there are no geographical limitations. This expanded reach allows you to target customers in other cities and even countries where you don’t even have your physical presence. 
  • Your e-commerce store would increase the operating hours for your business, i.e., unlike brick-and-mortar stores, e-commerce stores enable shoppers to buy 24×7. Increased operating hours are equivalent to more sales and revenue. 
  • Having an e-commerce store costs less than operating a traditional retail store. This is because, with e-commerce, businesses can avoid paying for a physical location, its maintenance, management staff and other such processes. 
  • E-commerce allows you to target specific audience. Furthermore, you can track your users’ online behaviour and share the most relevant information with them. For example, you can send custom notifications and promotional content to your customers based on their last purchase. 
  • With e-commerce, you can use remarketing to reach users who have already shown interest in your products or services. On the other hand, physical retail stores rarely let businesses contact customers once they step out of the store. Online remarketing also lets you enhance conversions by reaching users with abandoned shopping carts. 


  • Integrating e-commerce software with an existing website needs technical knowledge and expertise. Else, you may experience several difficulties while adding e-commerce functionalities to an existing website or launching an e-commerce website. While running a physical store may not require a technically savvy workforce, e-commerce needs a huge team of technical experts, including designers, developers, marketers, etc. even after the launch of the website for maintenance and upgradation purposes. 
  • E-commerce and online shopping involve the collection of sensitive information, such as credit card details, shipping address, contact details, etc. This calls for a secure setup to avoid phishing attacks and security frauds. A team of e-commerce website development experts can help safeguard your website. 
  • Some products and services might not be convenient to sell via online platforms. For example, shipping ice cream may require refrigerated trucks or dry ice packaging which is not a cost-effective business plan. Similarly, returning and exchanging heavy goods, like furniture, may be a hassle for both — the business and consumers. 

E-commerce is the future of shopping and conducting business. Therefore, sooner or later, most businesses ought to have their own e-commerce website to capture their share of the market. To find out whether an e-commerce website is lucrative for your business or not, you may consult the experts at Interactive Bees, which is an established and trusted e-commerce website designing company in Delhi. While the advantages of e-commerce exceed its disadvantages, most of the disadvantages can further be tackled with the help of experienced professionals. Therefore, take your business online with the help of industry experts and enjoy massive returns and revenue!

# website designing company in Delhi #e-commerce website development

About interactivebees

Interactive Bees is a one-stop shop for 360 degrees marketing solutions that will bridge the gap between your brand’s goals and achievements seamlessly. This brand communication company works tenaciously to become an augmentation of your brand, reflecting your business philosophy, energy, exhilaration, and passion back at your end customers. IBees is a digital marketing agency that personalises the most innovative and practical public relations solutions for your brand. Being an integrated brand communication agency it offers a complete package that includes Media Buying, Business and Brand Management, Website Development, Creative Designing, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Business Development.
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