How to Design a Flawless Brochure

In the recent years, print designing and brochure designing have thrived in India. Brochures are advertising pieces mainly used to induce a company or an organization to inform its customers and potential customers about its products and services. There are mainly two media channels through which brochures can be distributed which are: Electronic Media and Print Media. Electronic media is concerned with online distribution of brochures, and is done through multiple channels, such as, emails, online PDF publishing, etc. As numerous print designing companies in India are coming up, it is very important to stay ahead of the game and your competition.

Brochure designing is an art. Although, there are no hard and fast rules painting a perfect picture on how to design a brochure, there are a few tips that one must follow while designing a brochure.

1. Define your direction: Before even beginning to design the brochure, one thing you need to be very clear of is the purpose that the brochure serves. Ask yourself, Is it a corporate brochure or a product brochure? Does it mean to introduce the brand or the products to its present and potential customers? Write down the answers to these questions and by doing this define the purpose of the brochure that needs to be designed.

2. Limited number of fonts: Once you have begun, one of the very initial stages of designing is concerned with deciding on the font to be used. Basically, every brochure design just needs 3 fonts, one for the heading, another one for the sub headings and one last for the body. After deciding on these 3 fonts, stick to them no matter what.

3. Information about your paper: Make sure you know everything about the kind of paper that will be used for the brochure. Whether it will be an A4 size sheet or an A3 sized sheet, whether the paper will have glossy finish or mbrochure design companyatt. This will help you in mapping out the design for your brochure.

4. Copy is important: Copy is something that you just can’t ignore when it comes to brochure designing. It is one of the most crucial details and needs a lot of attention. Headlines aren’t things that can be put without much thought. Do a lot of brain storming and come up with smart and quirky copies for your brochure.


Like these there are various tips available online that can help you grow as a designer. So, do your research well, and grasp as much as you can.

About interactivebees

Interactive Bees is a one-stop shop for 360 degrees marketing solutions that will bridge the gap between your brand’s goals and achievements seamlessly. This brand communication company works tenaciously to become an augmentation of your brand, reflecting your business philosophy, energy, exhilaration, and passion back at your end customers. IBees is a digital marketing agency that personalises the most innovative and practical public relations solutions for your brand. Being an integrated brand communication agency it offers a complete package that includes Media Buying, Business and Brand Management, Website Development, Creative Designing, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Business Development.
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