The 7 Commandments of Online Reputation Management

Social Media is practicing its ‘Right to Speech’ quite extensively now-a-days. The previously ‘secretive’ internet platforms are now out in the open and inculcate transparency as their prime pedestal. These transparencies have their own harms too. The prime harm is to their online reputation. Online reputation is a widely misunderstood term and is often projected as simple monitoring of online activities. Online Reputation Management is crucial for landscaping the response received by the public both online and offline.

Here are the 7 commandments you should learn by heart for a successful Online Reputation Management:online reputation management company

1. Earn Respect: Trust is one thing hard to earn and harder to maintain. Earn the respect from the public through clean methods and assure a smooth sail.

2. Practice Transparency: This is the key ingredient for building a reputation in the online circle. Keep your work in clear waters and respect follows automatically.

3. Virtual Check: want to know how you scored on the public front? Keep a tab on the reviews received on your social media and also on the website responses and get an insight of the general public.

4. Be Polite and Crisp: Yes, criticism irks, but it can work wonders if you are witty, quick and crisp in your response to them.

5. Google Your Business Card: Rank your page on page one and treat the snippets on it as your business card.

6. Reality check: Learn from your mistakes. Do not shadow your mistakes with cover ups rather admit it and learn.

7. Guard Yourself: Although it is necessary to be polite, when something illegitimate turns up on your website, take strict necessary actions.

Apply these commandments in your reputation building and construct a great future for your online workstation.

About interactivebees

Interactive Bees is a one-stop shop for 360 degrees marketing solutions that will bridge the gap between your brand’s goals and achievements seamlessly. This brand communication company works tenaciously to become an augmentation of your brand, reflecting your business philosophy, energy, exhilaration, and passion back at your end customers. IBees is a digital marketing agency that personalises the most innovative and practical public relations solutions for your brand. Being an integrated brand communication agency it offers a complete package that includes Media Buying, Business and Brand Management, Website Development, Creative Designing, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Business Development.
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